2010 has already been a pretty big year for EMS related titles. A quick browse through our new books listing shows a number of them (more than I even realized) so we wanted to touch on a few for you.
First, from AAOS and Jones & Bartlett, comes
Preplanning For EMS. Preplanning has been used for years by the fire service to ensure responder and civilian safety and to maximize the effectiveness of the responders. This text encourages EMS departments to become involved with preplanning by: researching local facilities and events and identifying hazards, developing a response plan, coordinating with other response agencies and gathering supplies and recruiting help.
Also from AAOS and Jones & Bartlett comes
Principles of ALS Care. The text provides a succinct and comprehensive review of essential concepts in ALS. This book is perfect for use as a refresher, a supplement to an ALS course, a field reference or a study guide to prepare for an exam.
Brady has released
Prehospital Emergency Care, 9th ed. This complete resource for EMT-B training uses of the case study model, state-of-the-art scans, algorithms, protocols, step-by-step explanations with comprehensive, stimulating, and challenging material to prepare users for success.
AAOS celebrates the 40th anniversary of their "Orange Book Series" by releasing the 10th edition of
Emergency Care And Transportation Of The Sick And Injured. Based on the new National EMS Education Standards, the Tenth Edition offers complete coverage of every competency statement with clarity and precision in a concise format that ensures student comprehension and encourages critical thinking.
Finally, I wanted to touch on
EMT-Basic Exam for Fire Fighters, published by Learning Express. This exam prep book contains 4 practice exams, expert test taking advice, information on the advantages of obtaining EMT certification—from getting hired to benefits that span across your career as a firefighter, and state certification requirements and EMT agencies.
You can find a complete listing of EMS books at
www.Fire-Police-EMS.com. And if you can't find the title you're looking for, or don't know exactly what you need, contact us and we'll give you a hand.