Friday, August 21, 2009

New Rescue Books

Just wanted to drop a quick blog. There's a bunch of recently released books on rescue that we wanted to touch on.

Jones & Bartlett has just released Fundamentals of Technical Rescue. This new text covers all aspects of rescue, from introduction, through tools, equipment and management. It also covers the various rescue aspects and environments. At $55.95 this book is ideal for any rescue organization.

Delmar / Cengage has released two new titles in their Technical Rescuer Series. First, Water Levels I & II covers all 5 sub-disciplines of water rescue. this includes surface water rescue, ice rescue, swiftwater rescue, surf rescue and more. This book is ideal for all levels of rescuer, from first responder to rescue technician.

Next is Confined Space Levels I & II. It teaches the reader to be proactive in rescue by recognizing hazards, identifying which hazards can be managed and then taking steps to manage the hazards. It also emphasizes the importance of teamwork to a rescue.

Finally I wanted to mention a book that should be in every department library. Contact with 133 to 330 Volt DC or some 650 Volt AC systems during emergency operations could lead to serious injury or even death. Hybrid Vehicle High Voltage / SRS Shut-Down contains step by step instructions to quickly shut down hybrid vehicles. It comes in large desktop size (for the station) and pocket size (for the apparatus). the author are also available for seminars and training.

Visit us online at for a complete list of rescue books. If you have any additional recommendations please leave them in the comments. If you have any questions or comments for us please drop us an email. Thanks and stay safe.

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