We quickly wanted to cover the latest releases in firefighter training. A number of books have been released in the last few months from various publishers.
On the subject of firefighter safety IFSTA and FPP have released two new titles. Occupational Safety, Health and Wellness is a companion to Fire Dept. Safety Officer. The goal is to establish and maintain a culture of safety within the fire and emergency services. It contains safety information, lays out requirements for health and fitness programs, and provides guidance.
Understanding and Implementing the 16 Firefighter Life Safety Initiatives was developed as a joint project between the National Fallen Firefighters Fund and Fire Protection Publications. It provides a detailed overview and implementation strategy for the 16 Firefighter Life Safety Initiatives that were developed at the landmark National Fallen Firefighters Fund 2004 summit.
Delmar has published the Firefighter's Fitness Handbook. This text provides a total health evaluation and fitness program designed specifically for firefighters. It also covers stress levels and the physical risks inherent with firefighting.
Also from FPP is the newest edition of Fire Service Hydraulics and Water Supply. This second edition provides detailed information on the principles of water and its movement, determining accurate pressure and fire flows, types of apparatus and pumps used to move water and much more.
IFSTA has also updated its Fireground Support Operations with Structural Firefighting: Truck Company Skills and Tactics. It is designed to be a resource for those who engage in "truck work" on the fireground. Topics covered include forcible entry, fireground search and rescue, ventilation, loss control, rapid intervention and other truck company responsibilities.
Jones and Bartlett has published a number of EMS titles that may be of interest to firefighters and fire departments. Instructional Methods For Public Safety offers a broad spectrum view of the latest educational trends and cutting edge information on emergency services instruction.
Jones and Bartlett's Emergency Medical Responder offers complete coverage and the best practices in prehospital medicine. In addition, Sick / Not Sick 2nd ed has been updated with new case studies and is a great resource in helping develop rapid patient assessment skills.
These and many more fire, police and EMS training resources can be found at FSP Books & Videos. Call us at 800.522.8528 or visit us online at www.Fire-Police-EMS.com. Our friendly customer service reps have years of experience and are here to answer any questions you may have.
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